Thursday, April 15, 2010

navajo spaceships + rez dogs

i pasted black mesa shopping center april 13, 2010 with 4 students from shonto prepartory school, their teacher, a chaperone + my friend, yu.  the morning air was cold, especially working in the shade, but the girls were great.  

the students chose as our theme "navajo space ships" and "rez dogs."  go figure.  

i imagined a rez dog going on a mission into space, reluctantly.  somewhere along the way roscoe the rez dog became nostalgic for red dirt and slick rock.  he knew there were sheep back at home needing to be herded and trucks to be chased for no apparent reason.  besides, roscoe was the leader of the western agency (shonto division), pack of rez dogs and didn't want  his status as alpha male threatened by some rogue rez renegade dog.  so, like any good rez dog in outer space, roscoe parachuted home.

"ground control to major tom, roscoe tom that is..."

rez dog with head in wheat past container.


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